
Citybreak Release Notes 27 October 2022

Citybreak Online 

  • We have removed an older version of the Skipass booking flow that was no longer in use. We always strive to keep the solution updated and therefore it is important to remove old features that have been replaced with better new ones.  

  • If you want to bypass some views when proceeding to the check out, we have updated the booking flow so you can move directly to the payment. This update allows you to skip basket but not the traveler/customer information if there are mandatory complements.  

  • We fixed a bug in the calendar so depending on if your week starts with Sunday or Monday, it is no supported either way.  

  • The “next” button disappeared in the activity booking for a client. This bug is now fixed. 

  • We have updated the front-end so if you do not add a price in CBIS you will not see the word “from” (for example from 999 EUR) 


Citybreak Sales Agent 

  • There was an issue causing the sidebar filter to disappear on the accommodation product list. This is now solved.  

  • We made more adjustments to support several booking changes scenarios in Sales Agent on BookVisit products. 

  • There was a bug causing geofilters not to work in package search. This is now fixed.  

  • Fixed a Traveler Rating issue that affected some survey input when rating several properties in the same survey. 

  • Fixed a memory leak issue in Sales Agent causing the application to respond slow in some scenarios. 

  • We have fixed a widget issue that caused problems when doing several package searches at the same time. This is now solved.  



  • We have added support to our Markethype integration that enables you to import historical booking data. This can then be used in your marketing automation in Markethype.  

  • Updated the BookVisit integration so addons are shown in relation to the correct number of guests. For example, if there are 2 adults staying in a room the addons should be added for all in the room and not show price per adult.  

  • Fixed some commission errors related to the BookVisit integration and addons.  

  • We made some major Travel Switch integration code cleaning for older unused/deprecated integrations.  



  • It was not possible to save or edit shapes (mainly in Swedish). This issue is now fixed.