Citybreak Release Notes 8 Dec 2021
Citybreak Booking Engine / Citybreak Online
- We have added https support on reviews.citybreak.com, which means that the customer survey now opens in an SSL secure browser window.
- Citybreak Travel Rating now supports external activities.
- We fixed an issue with packages on BookVisit where the calendar on Citybreak Online displayed green dates, even though the package was not bookable these days. Now the calendar on Citybreak Online reflects the BookVisit package restrictions properly.
- An issue with the filter on Citybreak Online for See & Do products has been fixed, that sometimes incorrectly displayed products. Now, if the filter doesn't provide results, Citybreak Online displays a message.
Sales Agent / Callcenter
- It is now possible in Citybreak Sales Agent to set today's date as debit date for credit card payments. This gives you more control for callcenter bookings and allows you to charge the customer immediately (even though payment may be due at a later date).
Citybreak Information System (CBIS)
- It is now possible to archive parent products on CBIS alone or with all corresponding child products at the same time.
Integrations / APIs
- We have optimized the flow to do calendar searches, which reduces the response time for Galaxy API calendar calls by up to 75%.
- It is now possible to add optional Add-ons to an entire cabin as well as per person. For example, it is now possible to add "breakfast" to each bed or room in a booking. Previously, the full breakfast costs for all guests were added to the first room or bed in the booking.
- It is now possible for Visit Group to connect a Citybreak Galaxy API to a certain Citybreak Online Guide. This is required in cases where a customer uses Citybreak Online, but additionally, has created a booking flow based on the Citybreak Galaxy API. Both, Citybreak Online and products added via the Galaxy API can then use the same checkout via Citybreak Online.