Meet one of the largest ski travel agencies in Sweden
Over 75% increase in the number of guests in just 3 years – Nord-Resor is today one of the largest players in the ski travel industry in Sweden.
About Nord-Resor
Nord-Resor started in 1963 - a family business in the third generation. Erik Evelind, grandson of the founder is one of the captains steering the ship into the future of ski travels. A lot has happened since the start.
“Before most people took the bus or train to the mountains and now, the majority travel by car. Because of that, ski trips skyrocketed in popularity, which started a snowball effect with high organic growth. The number of guests increased from 8,000 to 14,000 between 2013 and 2019 and, after the pandemic, business activity returned in full force”, says Erik Evelind, Marketing Manager at Nord-Resor.
Photo: Erik Evelin
The partnership with Visit Group
In 2016 Nord-Resor contacted Visit Group for the first time - it was when Hafjell and Kvittfjell (customers to Visit Group) joined Nord-Resor's range that the partnership started to take shape. For Nord-Resor to easily get all accommodation online, they chose Visit Group's solution.
“It was quite messy before. We worked against allotment in many locations and on request. It was very time-consuming and manual. We were looking for a solution to gather all the different suppliers under one roof, with Visit Group we got everything together”, says Erik.
The demand for packages has increased in recent years. Being able to book everything in one place is something the digital guest appreciates. Nord-Resor today sells lift passes together with accommodation, thanks to external connections to third-party suppliers provided by Visit Group. Nord-Resor plans to further invest in its packaging strategy during 2023.
“I am super satisfied with Visit Group. We can make individual settings and insert our own product texts in Norwegian locations, as they do not have their own Swedish texts. It works great! The front end and the overall experience surpass all other system suppliers. With the tools available in the solution, for example, the Stays module, it is both easy to manage and makes it easy to buy your whole ski trip through us”, Erik continues.
In addition, Erik is also satisfied with the practicality of the solution and the quality of the service provided - "We haven't had anything similar that could gather all suppliers this easy and automatic before. And when it is needed, the support team are quickly to assist us”, Erik concludes.
Stays is Visit Group's latest online booking solution and flow. One of the unique strengths of Stays is the support for several different accommodation types in one search, such as; hotels, cabins, and apartments. In the same flow, it is then possible to build your complete stay by adding more experiences, such as; tickets, lift passes, activities, and more - all in the same booking.