Release notes 21 May 2024

Features and Improvements

CB Admin

  • We have added new Charts in Citybreak insights for suppliers and product categories.
    Insight sharts

CB Online 

  • Updated generic version of todo product list to align with new frontend strategy. This will align all new product lists in CB online.
    (No action is needed from the users)
    Todo product list

iTicket Citybreak

  • Added support for blocking users and bookers to remove iTicket bookingflow participants that has “used” tickets on edit booking.

Various bug fixes

  • Fixed a payment refund issue related to some bookings including several transactions for iticket products.

  • Corrected an issue that could happen when editing a booking containing several iTicket bookingflow products.

  • Fixed Sales Agent booking detail views arrival date presentation when booking a dynamic package.

  • Corrected a few smaller issues for transport product display in booking documents.

  • Added a few missing translations in the confirmation document for transports.

  • Improved the automatic booking rollback feature for bookings that timed out.

  • Fixed a protect group integration (cancelation insurance) issue that could affect cost of the insurance.


  • Are you curious about what iTicket has been up to, check out the release notes here!


  • Are you interested in all the updates that have been done lately, check it out here!

For any inquiries or feedback, please contact us via [email protected].