Citybreak release notes 8 April 2024
Features and Improvements
CB Online
- We have replaced the dependency of web sockets with an alternative that allows for better overall performance and maintainability of our platform.
- Removed edit booking option on my page if the order is of type preliminary.
CB online Klarna
- Added supplier messages support for external checkout "Klarna".
- Removed CB Online Basket widget from external checkout "Klarna" to avoid any updated basket issues that are not supported.
Sales Agent iTicket
- Added support for preliminary booking state from Sales Agent to iTicket for "none-booking flow" product combinations.
CB online CB admin
- Added cancellation hours settings for accommodation & activity product types for "My Page." This can be used if you have "enabled cancellation on My Page" active. This can be used to handle end-users options on when to cancel a booking.
CB admin
- Created the necessary input field for Tax reports on private cabin products in Citybreak Admin.
CB online Sales Agent Documents iTicket
- Updated iTicket booking flow Price Category order in the basket. Documents = The order you add/have in iTicket product admin will be followed in Citybreak.
CB online Webbeds integration
- Webbeds integration update to include support for markup, culture, and currency conversion to be automatically assigned.
Various bug fixes
- Fixed a problem on "My Page" to order without any first arrival date (merchandise) only bookings.
- If an iTicket booking flow product was amended multiple times via the basket, this could sometimes generate an issue. This is now fixed.
- Updated iTicket booking flow mandatory articles price display in CB Online basket. Now the mandatory included "addon" price will be added to the main articles' price for the end-users.
- Found and fixed an iTicket booking flow duration issue when editing products from the basket that forced users to reselect the duration period. This is now sorted.
- Fixed a bug related to time zones affecting iTicket booking flow widget display of price categories.
- Fixed an end/departure date bug in booking documents.
- Corrected a corner case for an Easy Access product type "unknown", merchandise, and Supplier packages that did not work as expected in booking documents.
- Fixed an issue related to flight booking via Sales Agent - now the routes/locations connected are displayed via the search form.
- We had an issue related to Broken images related to a storage issue, the affected images are now restored and displayed as intended.
- Sales Agent had an infinity scroll loading issue, that could occur in some scenarios that is now solved.
- We have updated the Flight booking route/location path in Sales Agent. Now we follow the same product admin support in dynamic packages. Routes are controlled from the product(s) connected in the channel.
- Fixed a legacy Citybreak - CBIS content sync issue affected some customers using Easy Access as a main content source.
- Added support for longer direction text in the confirmation document.
- Found and fixed an issue related to open invoices in Sales Agent booking balance "tab".
- Are you curious about what iTicket has been up to lately, check out their Release notes here!
For any inquiries or feedback, please contact our support via [email protected].